27 November, 2011

To learn a word...

not just a new word for a concept you already had, but to learn a new concept opens up a hallway of doors. Entire classes of thoughts you have had suddenly open up for reconsideration by virtue of this solitary new concept. And though there is likely no systematic way to search for all the doors this new word is a key for, contemplation will lead you to stumble, mostly stumble, over many of them.

And that old tired thought by virtue of this new word the thought takes on a new and entirely different glamor, countless possibilities for reconfigurations open; possibilities for new combinations open, possibilities for unending new meanings and interpretations.

Suddenly behind every door that this solitary key opens you find not just uncountable new door ways, not just uncountable new vistas and worlds and thoughtscapes, not just countless new halls and avenues and possibilities and connections, but unknowably many new keys. And only one way to explore the potential of each of these new keys.

This run away reaction, this finding of old limits always ready to fall away, is what makes thinking so addictive. But be warned, sometimes the way back to where you started is a labyrinth, and not all new hall ways open up to good places, or places you are ready for. Thinking can really wreck your day/week/year/life if you don't have the grace.

So it's good to have a "place" you can call "home", that way if you get lost you can just call.


  1. here's a word: LOSER

  2. heres another word: FREELOADER

  3. here's another word: BULLSHITTER and FRAUD

  4. "utopian survival camp" oh wait my bad that doesnt exist
